The bringing of personal toys presents a real problem for a number of reasons. Often these toys get lost and it creates a lot of extra stress not only for the child but also for the teacher. The sharing of toys can cause conflict and a lot of unhappiness. Please respect this rule and leave toys at home or in the car. If a child has something special she/he would like to show the teacher, we would love to see it and then we will put it in safekeeping till hometime. Short storybooks are always welcome and we will endevour to read it between activities.

Kindly park considerately in front of Heidi's House to allow as many cars to park in the paved parking area as possible. Please do not park too close to the Harfield Road intersection i.e. where passing cars will be forced to cross the solid line at the Stop, as this becomes dangerous for vehicles turning into Pine Road off Harfield Road.

Kindly notify me if your child is ill or absent. Please do not bring your child to school if he/she is sick. An infected cold, temperature or contagious illness is not acceptable. Please note that this is for your own child's well-being and protection.

Children should be dropped off no later than 9:15 am. It is important you settle your child in the mornings and say goodbye to them. Kindly make this as swift as possible, do not delay too long as this often causes more apprehension and unsettledness. Please be careful of more than one parent or family member bringing your child in the morning . It is often distressing for a young one seeing both family members leaving together without them. It is always better for one parent to drop off and rather the extra family member to come with when fetching your child.

Our school welcomes waste materials for our creative work. Useful items include: wrapping paper, old cards, bottle tops, corks, feathers, sweet wrappers, magazines, scrap paper, cardboard, yoghurt cups, margarine tubs, toilet rolls, ice cream tubs, egg boxes, polstyrene plates, tin foil plates etc.

Please let me know if anything unsettling is happening at home, e.g. daddy travelling, death of a pet, divorce or even just a bad morning. Children are very sensitive to any changes and it will assist us in handling a "melting moment" if we have a little more insight into the situation.

If you have a concern that requires a lengthy discussion, kindly make an appointment with me so I can give you my full attention.

We do one outing per term except in the first term. As the children are very little, we do insist that one parent or adult accompany your child on the outing.

As a fund raiser for the school, each child in the class will have a turn to be the baker girl or boy. They are requested to bring a tray of treats, enough for the whole class such as cupcakes, crunchies, popcorn or a packet of sweets, whatever the family decides to bring. Every child in the class brings R5.00 on a Baker Day and the Baker Girl or Boy hands out the treats to each child. The money gets used to buy new equipment for the school.

Birthdays are very exciting to children. We have a birthday ring at school where Mummy and Daddy are welcome to join. Our birthday child sits in front of the class and gets a special crown as well as have Simon and Suzie, our two puppers talk and sing to them. Please provide either one large cake or cup cakes for each child with candles so we can sing and celebrate. Please discuss the birthday ring with me before hand to arrange a date and time.

Artwork is an area which often causes anxiety for parents. There will be days when your little one may not feel like doing any art for the day and that is fine. At this stage of their lives, socializing, fun and outdoor physical development is actually more important than beautiful artwork. Remember that during the morning your child has sung, danced, played, run, climbed, swung, socialised, listened to stories, played with water and sand and gleaned a great deal of knowledge and learning in an incidental fun way.

If you wish to withdraw your application from Heidi's House after a place has been secured, a full school term's notice is required in writing, or a full additional term's fee in lieu of notice is required if the term has commenced. For new applications where a place has been secured, the full term fee payment in lieu of notice will apply if withdrawal is after the 15th of November of the preceding year of the child starting school.

The school operates on a term fee basis from January to December. All term fees are due by the first week of each term. Interest at a rate of 2% per month will be charged on overdue fees.

Please pack a snack each morning for your child in a container that is clearly marked as well as a drink. The snack can consist of a sandwich and a piece of fruit. Fruit sticks, biltong, mini cheddar biscuits, blocks of cheese area also some snack ideas. No sweets, chocolates, chips or fizzy drinks please. We try to encourage our children to eat healthily but also welcome treats on special occasions such as birthdays or Baker Day. Please do not pack in yoghurt as they are very messy and require a great deal of supervision.

The safety and security of your child is of paramount importance to me. The front security gate needs to be closed at all times. Do not leave it open even to get something out of the car, children are quicker than you think and are very attracted to the street.

No child may be released from school if somebody that we are not imformed of, comes to collect a child. The school door will be locked at 9:15 am and will be unlocked at 12:00 pm.

Kids playing